Being overweight is an intricate condition, including an exorbitant measure of muscle to fat ratio. Corpulence is not simply a cosmetic problem. It is a clinical case that expands the gamble of different illnesses and medical issues, for example, coronary disease, diabetes, hypertension and certain tumours. There are many justifications for why some individuals experience problems in shedding pounds. Ordinarily, corpulence results from physiological and natural elements joined with diet, work and exercise decisions. The individuals diagnosed with this condition are more prone to develop musculoskeletal disorders, cardiovascular diseases or even insulin resistance and psychological effects. Even unobtrusive weight lowering can forestall the medical conditions linked to obesity. A more suitable eating pattern developed work and conduct changes can help you reduce pounds.

Body mass index (BMI) is a straightforward and uncomplicated record of weight-for-status used to characterise overweight and heftiness in grown-ups. It is formulated as an individual’s load in kilograms partitioned by the square of his stature in metres. When the BMI Range is greater than or equal to 30 in the case of adults and greater than 2 standard deviations above the WHO Growth Reference median for children between the age of 5 to nineteen, the person is considered an obese person.

Overweight and obesity:

There is a very slight difference between these two terms. Obesity stands for a condition concerning excessive body fat that advances the risk of other health issues. On the other hand, Overweight meaning is weight exceeding what is believed healthy, usually calculated using body mass index or BMI. The difference between these two terms is based on BMI. In general, an individual with a BMI within the range of 25-29.9 is considered overweight, while an individual with a BMI exceeding 30 is deemed obese.

Obesity in a pandemic :

The pandemic just aggravated a problem that was at that point rapidly speeding up somewhat recently. Due to restrained physical activity and higher stress levels, higher cases of obesity are being recorded. During the pandemic, different elements, including food instability and decreased admittance to recreation, ensured that everybody from youngsters to grown-ups put on weight. The pandemic uncovered how the development in weight undermines the strength of the people and the medical care framework. It makes individuals more helpless against hospitalization and passing from COVID-19. Simultaneously, the pandemic also deteriorated social and financial elements that cause weight. Work or play misfortune, for instance, regularly implies families can not bear the cost of better food choices.

Causes of obesity :

Now that you have an idea about obesity let us know how it is caused?

Obesity results from contributions of some mental, behavioral and hereditary influences. To name a few, the causes of this medical condition are :

  • fast food or high-calorie beverages
  • increase in physical inactivity
  • Not getting enough sleep or getting too much sleep
  • Overeating
  • Incorrect frequency of meals
  • stress eating habits
  • pregnancy
  • Quitting smoking
  • Medical conditions like hypothyroidism and many more
  • Oral medications like antidepressants and antihistamines
  • Poverty as people do not have enough luxury to even buy healthy meals for them

Overweight and obesity are connected to a more significant number of deaths worldwide than underweight. Internationally, a more substantial number of individuals are obese than skinny – this happens in each area except for parts of sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.

Obesity symptoms and complications :

Obesity is a grave medical problem that can happen at any age. But as we age, our body becomes more prone to obesity due to hormonal transformations and a less energetic lifestyle. Several signs and symptoms of obesity include :

  • Sweating
  • The abundance of muscle around the abdomen area
  • Snoring
  • Skin issues from dampness amassing in the folds of skin
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Mental problems like negative confidence, melancholy, disgrace, and social confinement
  • Powerlessness to perform straightforward errands that one could undoubtedly perform before weight gain
  • Weakness
  • Torment, particularly toward the back and joints
  • Shortness of breath

While children may have slightly different signs and symptoms for weight gain, children may experience the early onset of puberty and dark velvety skin around the neck. Constipation is also reported as a symptom in obese people below 19.

Obesity can lead to several medical complications. Real unexpected problems that are bound to happen with obesity incorporate :

  • heart disease and strokes
  • gallbladder disease
  • insulin resistance and diabetes
  • cancer of the uterus, rectum, liver and prostate
  • osteoarthritis
  • liver problems
  • develop severe COVID 19 symptoms
  • Breathing problems while sleeping

Obesity treatment :

As far as the treatment process is concerned, it may help shed some weight. However, the shed pounds ordinarily rapidly returns. Several people who lost weight recovered the load within five years. Therefore, a more viable, dependable treatment for obesity should be found. We want to find out about the reasons and causes for weight gain, and afterwards, we should treat it. When obesity is acknowledged as a constant infection, it will be dealt with like other ongoing illnesses, for example, diabetes and hypertension. The condition’s treatment can not be a present moment solution, but it must be a continuous deep-rooted process. Several treatment methods for weight gain include :

  • Decreasing calories and practicing more nutritious eating habits
  • Gastric aspirate
  • physical activity or exercise
  • Joining support groups to eliminate stress eating
  • Oral medications
  • bariatric surgery

We must take care of our well being and concentrate on healthy living. Incorporating a healthy lifestyle and exercises can do wonders and allow us to live a hassle-free and stressless life.

Dr Nivedita Pandey is a Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist situated in New Delhi. She functions as a Transplant Hepatologist and Gastroenterologist and has completed her advanced studies in the USA. However, her journey for tracking down joy and fulfilment in life drove her to pass on the US and move to India. Dr Nivedita is renowned for her selfless and empathetic approach towards her patients.