Many women notice cloudy or murky urine when they’re pregnant. This can happen for several reasons. Dehydration, urinary tract infections (UTIs), and gestational diabetes are some of them.

It’s key to know why this happens and when to see a doctor. Dr. Nivedita Pandey has written this article to help. It covers the usual causes, signs to look out for, tests you might need, and ways to avoid it.

Understanding Cloudy Urine During Pregnancy

Cloudy or murky urine is common during pregnancy. It can look discolored, thick, or even foamy. This change is due to the body’s many changes during this time.

What Is Cloudy Urine?

Cloudy urine looks hazy, milky, or opaque, unlike the usual clear or light yellow. It can happen for many reasons. These include more blood, hormonal changes, and medical conditions.

Why Does It Occur During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy brings big changes to the body. These changes can make urine look cloudy. Some reasons for cloudy pee during pregnancy are:

  • Increased blood volume: Pregnancy makes blood volume go up. This can lead to more urine and changes in how it looks.
  • Hormonal fluctuations: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can make urine look cloudier.
  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs): Pregnant women are more likely to get UTIs. These can make urine cloudy, smell bad, or change color.
  • Gestational diabetes: High sugar levels in urine, a sign of gestational diabetes, can also make urine look cloudy.

While cloudy urine is common in pregnancy, it can also mean a health issue. If it lasts or comes with other symptoms, see your healthcare provider.

cloudy urine during pregnancy

Common Causes of Cloudy Pee During Pregnancy

Pregnant women might see cloudy urine for many reasons. Knowing why can help find the right treatment. The main causes are dehydration, urinary tract infections (UTIs), and gestational diabetes.


Dehydration often makes urine look cloudy. Pregnant women need about 10 cups of water a day. But, many find it hard to drink enough.

Not drinking enough water makes urine more concentrated. This can make it look cloudy.

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

UTIs are more common in pregnant women. They can make urine look cloudy and smell bad. UTIs happen when bacteria get into the urinary tract and cause inflammation.

UTIs can also cause pain in the pelvis, a strong need to pee, and burning when you pee.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes can make urine look cloudy. It happens when blood sugar levels get too high. This usually starts after the 20th week of pregnancy.

This condition needs careful watching and managing. It’s important for the health of both mom and baby.

If you keep seeing cloudy urine, talk to your doctor. They can find out why and help you get better. Taking care of these issues is key to a healthy pregnancy and birth.

Signs and Symptoms to Watch For

Pregnant women might see cloudy urine and other signs. These can be a strong urge to pee, pain when peeing, or pelvic pain. They might also have a fever or urine that smells bad.

It’s key to know these signs of cloudy urine in pregnancy. Telling your doctor about them is important. They might show a serious problem that needs help.

Watch for symptoms of urinary tract infections during pregnancy. These include feeling like you can’t empty your bladder fully. You might also need to pee a lot or feel pain in your lower belly.

Dealing with pregnancy bladder issues quickly is important. It helps avoid bigger problems.

By watching for symptoms and talking to your doctor, you can keep your urinary health good. This is good for you and your baby.

Signs of cloudy urine in pregnancy

Diagnostic Tests for Cloudy Urine

If you notice cloudy urine while pregnant, your doctor might suggest some tests. These tests help find out why your urine looks cloudy. They also guide how to treat it.


A urinalysis checks your urine closely. It looks at the physical, chemical, and tiny details in your urine. This helps find bacteria, white blood cells, or other issues that might make your urine cloudy.

Urine Culture

A urine culture sends your urine to a lab. There, it grows and checks for bacteria. This test can show if you have a urinary tract infection (UTI). UTIs are a common reason for cloudy urine in pregnant women.

Tests like pregnancy urinalysis and urine culture for UTI in pregnant women help doctors find the cause. They then create a treatment plan to fix the problem.

pregnancy urinalysis

Cloudy Pee During Pregnancy: When to Worry

Cloudy urine is common in pregnancy. But, some situations need your attention. If your urine is cloudy and you have a high fever, chills, or back pain, it might be serious. This could mean a kidney infection or pyelonephritis.

If you notice any worrying symptoms, tell your doctor. Cloudy urine that doesn’t go away or symptoms like headaches and high blood pressure need a doctor’s check-up.

Here are some serious urinary issues signs in pregnancy:

  • Persistent or worsening cloudiness in your urine
  • Fever, chills, or nausea/vomiting
  • Severe or persistent pain in your lower abdomen or back
  • Blood in your urine
  • Difficulty urinating or a burning sensation when you do

If you see these signs of serious urinary issues during pregnancy, call your doctor fast. They can do tests and start treatment to help you.

Signs of Serious Urinary Issues During Pregnancy

Managing Cloudy Urine in Pregnancy

Cloudy urine in pregnancy is common. It’s important to find out why. It could be from dehydration, a urinary tract infection (UTI), or something else. Taking the right steps can help keep you and your baby healthy.


Dehydration can make your urine cloudy. Drinking more water is the answer. Also, try coconut water or diluted fruit juices for extra fluids and minerals.

Antibiotic Treatment for UTIs

UTIs can also make your urine cloudy. Your doctor might give you antibiotics safe for pregnancy. It’s important to take all the medicine as told to treat the infection fully.

By finding and fixing the cause of cloudy urine, you can manage this symptom. This helps you stay healthy during your pregnancy.

Cloudy Pee During Pregnancy: Prevention Tips

Keeping your urinary tract healthy during pregnancy is key. Cloudy urine can mean there’s a problem. Luckily, there are steps to stop cloudy urine and keep your urinary tract healthy.

Drinking lots of water is very important. Aim for at least 8 glasses a day. This helps clean your urinary system and lowers infection risk. Stay away from sugary or caffeinated drinks, as they can dry you out.

Good hygiene is also crucial. Always wipe from front to back to stop bacteria spread. Wear comfy, breathable clothes and avoid products that can upset your urinary tract.

  • Drink plenty of water (at least 8 glasses per day)
  • Wipe from front to back after using the restroom
  • Wear loose, breathable clothing
  • Avoid irritating feminine products

Going to your prenatal checkups and telling your doctor about any urinary issues is important. This includes pain, burning, or changes in urine color or smell. Your doctor can do tests and start treatment early to prevent problems.

By following these easy tips, you can keep your urinary tract healthy. This helps avoid cloudy urine during pregnancy.

Cloudy Urine in the Third Trimester

When you reach the third trimester, you might see changes in your urine. It’s common for pregnant women to have cloudy urine. This can happen because of the growing uterus putting pressure on your bladder.

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a big reason for cloudy urine in the third trimester. Pregnant women are more likely to get UTIs because of hormonal and physical changes. If you think you have a UTI, tell your healthcare provider right away.

Dehydration can also make your urine look cloudy. Pregnant women often get dehydrated, especially if they’re sick in the morning. Drinking lots of water can help keep your urine clear.

Also, more vaginal discharge during pregnancy can mix with urine, making it cloudy. This is a normal change, but it’s good to tell your doctor about it. They can check if everything is okay.

If your urine looks cloudy in the third trimester, tell your healthcare provider. They can do tests to find out why and treat it if needed. By talking to your doctor, you can make sure any urine issues are taken care of during your pregnancy.

When to Seek Medical Attention

If you notice cloudy urine during pregnancy, watch for other symptoms too. Signs like pelvic pain, fever, or nausea might mean a kidney infection needs quick doctor help.

Also, if your urine stays cloudy even after drinking more water, see your doctor. They can check what’s causing it and treat it right.

Some signs of serious urinary issues in pregnancy that need a doctor visit are:

  • Persistent or severe pelvic pain
  • Fever, chills, nausea, or vomiting
  • Back pain
  • Cloudy urine that does not improve with increased hydration
  • Cloudy urine that persists for more than a day or two

It’s always best to be cautious about your health and your baby’s. Going to the doctor for cloudy urine or other symptoms is smart. It helps you get the right care and keeps your pregnancy safe.


Cloudy urine is common in pregnancy. It’s key to know why it happens and when to see a doctor. Dehydration, UTIs, and diabetes are common causes.

Being aware of signs and symptoms is important. You should also get tested and follow treatment plans. This helps keep your urinary tract healthy.

It’s vital to manage cloudy urine to stay healthy and protect your baby. Drinking water, treating UTIs quickly, and taking preventive steps help a lot. If your urine looks or feels different, talk to your doctor right away.

By taking care of your urinary health, you can have a better pregnancy. Don’t hesitate to ask for medical help when needed. With the right care, you can handle cloudy urine and have a worry-free pregnancy.


What is cloudy urine during pregnancy?

Cloudy urine is common in pregnancy. It looks discolored, thick, or foamy. This is due to body changes during pregnancy.

What are the common causes of cloudy urine during pregnancy?

Causes include dehydration, UTIs, and gestational diabetes.

What are the signs and symptoms to watch for with cloudy urine during pregnancy?

Look out for a strong urge to pee, pain while peeing, and pelvic discomfort. Also, fever and smelly urine are signs.

What diagnostic tests may be used to determine the cause of cloudy urine?

A urinalysis and urine culture may be ordered. They check for bacteria or other issues.

When should a pregnant woman seek medical attention for cloudy urine?

See a doctor if symptoms are severe. This includes high fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, or back pain.

How can pregnant women manage and prevent cloudy urine?

Manage it by treating the cause, like drinking more water for dehydration. Prevent it by drinking fluids, keeping genital areas clean, and going to prenatal visits.

Is cloudy urine more common in the third trimester of pregnancy?

Yes, it’s more common in the third trimester. The growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder, leading to more infections.

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