“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.”
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ToggleThis quote shows how important Balanced Breakfast is. After long hours of sleep, the body requires fuel to energise the body, and a Balanced Breakfast is a way to go. A good breakfast is an excellent opportunity to include minerals, dietary fibre, vitamins, and proteins in your daily nutritional needs. Balanced Breakfast gives a kick start to your metabolism and helps you burn calories all through the day. It further gives you the energy to get things done and helps you maintain your focus.
If it is difficult to have breakfast in the morning, try incorporating some food into your system by either having smoothies or juice bowls. If you are an early riser and cannot have breakfast early in the morning, try eating at a time when you are starving so that your circulation works better. Skipping breakfast is not a good idea as your body will be devoid of nutrients and energy, leaving you nauseous and with headaches. Having a balanced breakfast in the morning ensures that you do not feel hungry continuously throughout the day.
What should a balanced breakfast contain?
For a well-nourished diet, Balanced Breakfast should never be a one-sided meal. It should consist of both macronutrients and micronutrients. Your breakfast should include the following ingredients so that it is well balanced.
1- Protein: Protein is the essential ingredient in any breakfast. Being a vital macronutrient, its inclusion in every breakfast meal is essential. Protein can be found mainly in animal products such as chicken breast, egg whites and also in nuts, legumes and other sources such as milk. Protein has been derived from the Greek word “protos”, which means the top status in human nutrition. Since protein makes up almost fifteen per cent of an individual’s body weight, including protein in your diet is of paramount importance.
Moreover, a high protein breakfast is suitable for weight loss as it takes a slower time to digest, making you full for a longer time.
2- Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates, also called carbs or even saccharides, are essential macronutrients required for normal functioning. Carbohydrates, when entered into the body, transform into energy. This energy fuels the entire body and helps it in performing its daily work. Carbohydrates are broken down by enzymes into glucose which is essentially the first source of energy. For a healthy breakfast, carbohydrates are an essential requisite.
In food, carbohydrates occur in different forms such as Total sugars, Sugar, alcohol and dietary fibre. For a balanced breakfast, a regular intake of carbohydrates is very important.
3- Fats: Out of all the three macronutrients, fats are the densest in terms of calories. Often fats and carbohydrates get a bad name. But both fats and carbohydrates are essential. Fats are necessary for the body’s overall functioning: they act as a balancing agent for hormones, regulate the nerves’ insulation, and contribute to overall health.
Fats come in different forms:
- Saturated fats
- Monounsaturated fats
- Polyunsaturated fats.
The essential fats required by the body come within the category of Saturated fats like omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids and omega-9 fatty acids. These are called EFAs or Essential Fatty Acids. In a balanced and healthy breakfast, EFAs must be included. A healthy breakfast for weight loss must also contain EFAs.
As the term micro suggests, nutrients that fall into this category are only required in small amounts in our diet. However, if they are not taken adequately, it will lead to many nutrient deficiency diseases.
1- Vitamins: Vitamins are of two types:
Fat-soluble vitamins and Water-soluble vitamins.
These vitamins play an essential role in the well-being of the human body.
- Vitamins boost the immune system.
- Vitamins prevent various types of cancer.
- Vitamins strengthen bones and teeth.
- Vitamins help in the absorption of calcium
- Vitamins help in maintaining glowing skin
- Vitamins metabolise fats and carbs
- Vitamins promote healthy blood flow
- Vitamin Contributes to the proper functioning of the brain and the entire nervous system.
A balanced breakfast must contain essential vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and water-soluble vitamins such as vitamin b-3, folic acid and other vitamins.
2- Minerals: Minerals are another essential micronutrient required for the overall development and growth of the body. Some of the vital minerals that our body needs are:
- Magnesium
- Phosphorus.
- Potassium.
- Calcium.
- Chlorides.
- Sulfur
- Sodium.
Minerals help the body’s overall functioning and help strengthen bones, maintain good immunity, balance normal blood pressure, aids in blotting clots, and many others. A healthy breakfast must always include minerals for breakfast to be well-balanced.
Healthy Balanced Breakfast Ideas:
As mentioned above, a healthy breakfast must include all the essential macronutrients and micronutrients. Some examples of a balanced breakfast are:
1- Oats with peanut butter and milk, garnished with nuts and berries.
2- An avocado toast with some eggs and nuts on the side.
3- Coffee to aid in weight loss.
4- Smoothie bowl made of fruits, chia seeds, some green vegetables and protein powder.
5- An egg and bacon sandwich with coffee or herbal tea.
These are just a few healthy breakfast ideas for you to try out. Now that you know your breakfast must-have, you can try out recipes and play with ingredients. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and you will see a noticeable change in your overall health.