Diverticulitis is irritation (enlarging) and contamination in at least one diverticula. You might feel torment, nausea, fever and have different indications. This is a substantially more grave and possibly hazardous condition. Diverticulosis in the sigmoid colon is the formation of numerous tiny pockets in the bowel lining. Colonic diverticulosis can be treated by eating a diet rich in fibre. It may include fruits, grains, legumes and less red meat. Diverticulosis could lead to diverticulitis, and hence it becomes vital to be very cautious and attentive to the symptoms of diverticulosis.

Diverticulitis can be acute or chronic. With Chronic diverticulitis, you might have at least one serious assault of disease and aggravation. Irritation and contamination might go down yet never clear up totally. Over the long run, the offence can prompt a bowel obstacle, which might cause blockage, thin stools, loose bowels, swelling, and paunch torment ( severe suffering in the belly) . If the hindrance proceeds, stomach torment will increase, and you might feel wiped out. While science has not yet pinpointed the actual cause of this ailment, some investigations indicate that your genes might play a part. Diverticulitis can lead to severe complications like perforation, abscesses, scarring, fistulas and strictures. One can forestall diverticulitis and its intricacies by eating a lot of fibre, drinking water, and exercising.

The most common Diverticulitis causes are:

  • Chronic alcohol consumption
  • Chronic hepatitis disease
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Ageing
  • Incorrect BMI or overweight
  • Smoking
  • Diet low in fibre
  • Lack of exercise
  • Diet high in animal fat
  • Medications like steroids, opioids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Studies have shown that acute diverticulitis happens due to diverticula tear, leading to inflammation, and in some cases, infection. Diverticulosis is exceptionally regular in Western populaces and occurs in 10% of individuals over forty years of age and in 50% of individuals over 60.

Now, let us have a look at Diverticulitis symptoms:

  • Tenderness over the affected area.
  • Fever
  • Mild abdominal cramps.
  • Chills
  • Rectal bleeding in cases of severe diverticular disease
  • Swelling or bloating.
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Constipation or diarrhoea


If you have one or more symptoms that are above mentioned doesn’t mean you have diverticulitis. These symptoms are common to other ailments related to the colon and abdomen.

The said problem can be diagnosed accurately during an acute attack and a physical examination done by a gastroenterologist. Other confirmatory tests include a blood test, stool sample, CT scans, digital rectal exam, lower gastrointestinal tract radiography,  liver enzyme test and many more. In addition, a pregnancy test can be performed for females of the childbearing generation to rule out pregnancy as a reason for abdominal aches.


On the off chance that your diverticulitis is mild, your medical care supplier will endorse an oral anti-toxin, like metronidazole amoxicillin. Rest, assuming control over-the-counter drugs for torment and following a diverticulitis diet of low-fibre diet or a fluid eating routine might be suggested until your indications get to a better and healthy level. When your diverticulitis symptoms improve, you can gradually get back to light food sources, then, at that point, a more ordinary eating routine, which should incorporate some high-fibre food sources. You and your medical care supplier will examine the particulars of your therapy plan. On the off chance that your diverticulitis pain is extreme, you have bleeding, or you have a recurrent episode of diverticulitis, and you might be conceded to the emergency clinic to get intravenous (IV) antitoxins, IV liquids or potentially be considered for a medical procedure.

Your doctor may suggest a colonoscopy six weeks after you heal from the diverticular disease of the colon. There doesn’t seem, by all accounts, to be an immediate connection between diverticular illness and rectal cancer. In any case, colonoscopy – which is dangerous during a diverticulitis assault – can avoid colon disease as a reason for your side effects.

Dr Nivedita Pandey is one of the best liver specialist doctors in Bihar. She is very famous for being one of the best liver specialist doctors in Delhi, the most popular medic in Patna, Now, you can sway off all your gastroenterological worries sitting at home by booking an online gastroenterologist consultation  with Dr Pandey as she conducts live chat, which has also helped people get rid of their health issues and continue living a healthy life.


What foods trigger diverticulitis?

Food varieties that are low in fiber or high in sugar might build the danger of creating diverticulosis or trigger diverticulosis side effects. Such food items include Red meat or processed meat, dairy products, fruits and vegetables with skin and seeds and whole grains.

Are bananas good for diverticulitis?

If you are facing the problem of mild diverticulitis and seek relief, opt for antibiotics and diverticulitis foods to avoid low-fibre items. Hence, bananas are a good diet option to help your colon rest in this scenario.

What foods should be avoided with diverticulosis?

A high-fibre diet is usually suggested for patients with diverticulosis. High-fibre food varieties incorporate soil products like Full-fat dairy products and fried foods. Foods to avoid diverticulitis include those which are low in fibre and are refined or processed.

How do you stop a diverticulitis flare-up?

During a diverticulitis flare-up, you should cautiously adhere to your provider guidelines. Diverticulitis flare-ups are usually treated by polishing off a good fluid eating routine with no solid food. You should follow a strict diet regime containing at least 8 cups of fluid, preferably water accompanied by a dose of regular exercise.