Piles are also known as haemorrhoids, are the swelling of veins near the rectum and anus area. A person with haemorrhoids feels stinging pain due to the stretching of the walls of the blood vessels. One may develop internal haemorrhoids which are located on the inside of the rectum or external haemorrhoids, under the skin around the anus. Be it internal or external hemorrhoids, bleeding is a common symptom. 

Internal vs External Hemorrhoids Anatomy

Hemorrhoids are nothing but blood vessels located on the walls of the rectum and the anus. Internal hemorrhoids are located inside your rectum, more specifically above the petaline covered with cells the same as those lined with the intestines. As these hemorrhoids are located deep inside the body, they are not visible and very often less painful. The first sign of internal hemorrhoids is rectal bleeding. One may feel discomfort while passing stools. Straining and irritation cause rectal bleeding.  Internal hemorrhoids aren’t serious and may cure on their own. However, one has prolonged pain, then it is advisable to consult a healthcare provider. Some of the best stomach doctors in Faridabad would help in the internal treatment of hemorrhoids. 

External hemorrhoids are found on the anus covered with cells that resemble the skin. They are located right near the surface where the bowels pass out. Sometimes these hemorrhoids are visible in the form of small lumps near the anus. Although external hemorrhoids aren’t that serious, they may cause pain and discomfort to the person while sitting, passing stools, or carrying out physical activities. Straining may cause bleeding. Consult the best gastroenterologist in Faridabad if you experience serious discomfort or heavy bleeding. 

Internal Vs External Hemorrhoids Symptoms 

Internal hemorrhoids Symptoms 

Since internal hemorrhoids have less pain-sensing nerves around them, they don’t cause much discomfort. Some signs and symptoms of internal hemorrhoids are – 

  • Painless bleeding during bowel movements 
  • Prolapse – a tissue that bulges out from the anus. (this may cause a little discomfort and irritation)
  • Itching 
  • Burning sensation 

External Hemorrhoids Symptoms 

External hemorrhoids which are located under the skin of the anus, have several pain-sensing nerves present. Thus, one experiences a lot of pain. Symptoms of external hemorrhoids include – 

  • Pain while sitting, passing bowels, etc. 
  • Itching 
  • Bleeding 
  • Swelling 

Causes of Hemorrhoids  

Hemorrhoids or piles may occur when there is increased pressure on the rectum or the anus, thus causing the veins to dilate and engorge with blood. Some other causes of hemorrhoids are –

  • Pregnancy – It is likely that pregnant women are to experience piles. The expanding of the uterus adds more pressure on the colon. 
  • Obesity – People with extra weight are prone to hemorrhoids 
  • Constipation – Hard stools are the characteristic of constipation. Due to the straining of muscles during bowel movements, there is an added pressure on the colon.
  • Heavy lifting – Weight lifting or repeated lifting of heavy objects can lead to piles. 
  • Ageing- With increasing age, there is a risk of hemorrhoids among the people of age 45-65. 
  • Genetics –  If one of the members of the family suffers from hemorrhoids, there is a tendency that the progeny suffers from the same. 
  • Liver cirrhosis- It has been seen that people with liver disorder too are at the risk of developing piles. Consult the best liver specialist in Delhi, NCR or liver doctors at Patna, Bihar to get the appropriate treatment. 

Treatment of hemorrhoids 

The treatment of hemorrhoids depends on how severe the symptoms are. Most hemorrhoids get cured within a period of 14 to15 days on their own. Some treatments recommended by food pipe specialist- 

  • Home remedies

Most often hemorrhoids can be treated at home itself. Simple changes in one’s routine can help in relieving piles. One should add high-fiber foods to their diet. Fruits, vegetables have high fiber content which helps in softening the stool and increasing the bulk. Drinking plenty of water or other fluids can help too. Regular exercise and being active will prevent constipation and reduce the pressure on the veins. Using a cold compress or warm site baths several times a day can help in easing the pain and the swelling. 

  • Non-surgical treatment

If the home remedies do not work out, some over-the-counter hemorrhoid cream or other medications can help in easing the pain. Consult your healthcare provider before using these creams and medicines. 

  • Internal External Hemorrhoidectomy 

Hemorrhoids at times can lead to some serious complications such as blood clotting, infection, prolapse, anemia, etc. At times, hemorrhoid can be too big and needs to be removed through surgery to prevent any long-term effects. Hemorrhoidectomy is the internal-external hemorrhoid surgery performed to remove severe hemorrhoids. Some of the best gastroenterologists in Max Saket, Dr. Nivedita Pandey would be able to treat your condition. You can also find her as a hepatologist in Patna or the best doctor for hepatitis b in Patna, a gastroenterologist in Faridabad, food pipe specialist, the best gastro doctor in Delhi, NCR, a gastroenterologist In Uttarakhand, a liver specialist in Jhansi, best gastroenterologist in Jammu take advantage of the online gastroenterology consultation to gastroenterologist live chat and receive the best treatment that your body deserves!

Internal vs External Hemorrhoids at the same time 

At times one may face the situation of combined hemorrhoids. Combined hemorrhoids are when both internal and external hemorrhoids occur at the same time. This can lead to some complications in the future and thus needs to be treated in time.