Gas is a natural byproduct of the meals you eat. Your digestive tract produces bowel gas while it works, known as flatulence.

Typically, you expel stomach gas through your mouth (burping) or your anus (flatulence). People use the restroom around 20 times each day. So it’s a common occurrence, yet it may be unpleasant and humiliating.

Gas in stomach is produced in two ways: when you swallow air and when microorganisms in your intestine aid in the digestion of food.

Food that has not been digested passes from the small to the large intestine. Once there, the bacteria set to work, producing hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane, which are eventually expelled from your body.

The same meals will not cause gas problems in everyone.

When you eat or drink, you also swallow air. Burping is a common way to expel ingested air. Whatever isn’t removed via burping enters the small intestine and is expelled as flatulence.

What causes you to pass gas?

Carbohydrates, which are present in foods such as: are the most likely the reason for what causes flatulence.

  1. Vegetables and beans (especially broccoli, cabbage, and onions)
  2. Dairy products and fruits
  3. Whole-grain products
  4. Beverages
  5. Fruit juices

What Are the Signs of Gas?

You may feel bloated in addition to burping and farts. You may also have discomfort in your stomach or sides. However, that discomfort might be misinterpreted as something else, such as a heart attack or appendicitis.

Could Gas Indicate a Medical Issue?

Chronic belching might indicate an issue with your upper digestive systems, such as ulcers or gastroesophageal reflux disease. This is sometimes referred to as GERD.

Bloating can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  1. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  2. Colon cancer
  3. Crohn’s disease
  4. Hernias
  5. Constipation
  6. Lactose intolerance
  7. Celiac disease

What Is the Diagnosis of Gas-Related Illnesses?

Because nutrition is the most common cause of intestinal gas, your doctor will want to know what foods you eat and your symptoms. They may request that you keep a diary of what you eat and drink to assist them in identifying foods that give you problems. They may also ask that you note how frequently you pass gas.

Certain foods may have to be avoided. For example, if lactose intolerance is suspected, you will most likely need to limit your dairy consumption.

If you have to bloat, your doctor may check you to rule out other possibilities.

Your doctor will check for evidence that you swallow a lot of air if you have persistent belching. If they believe you do, they will seek a reason. Then, to rule out illness, they may take an X-ray of your oesophagus, stomach, and upper small intestine – also known as your GI tract.

What steps can be followed for flatulence cure?

Change your diet and train yourself to swallow less air to alleviate gas issues. Prescription and over-the-counter drugs can also be beneficial.

Changing your diet will require you to eliminate the things that cause constant flatulence. Unfortunately, this may lead to a decrease in the number of healthful meals you consume. Ask your doctor to assist you in developing a nutritious yet low-gas diet.

Among the over-the-counter drugs are:

  1. Antacids, particularly those containing simethicone
  2. Probiotics help eliminate harmful bacteria while increasing the number of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract.
  3. Lactase supplements, such as Lactaid and Dairy Ease, may benefit lactose-intolerant persons.
  4. Beano includes the enzyme that aids in the digestion of sugars found in beans and many other vegetables.

Your doctor may prescribe medications to aid with the passage of food through your digestive tract. Medicines that accomplish this may also help pass gas through the body more quickly.

What Can I Do to Inhale Less Air and Use Less Gas?

You might attempt the following to swallow less air:

  1. Removing gum or hard candy
  2. Slowing down your eating
  3. Make sure that any dentures you wear fit properly
  4. Avoiding the use of straws

If you know someone who exhibits these symptoms or is having difficulty, consult Dr Nivedita Pandey.  Dr Nivedita Pandey is a Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist. She treats everything from acid reflux to ulcers, IBS, IBD, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and colon cancer.