
Dr Nivedita Pandey

MBBS, Diplomate of American Board of Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine), Diplomate of American Board of Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology)

Get Consultation from the Best Nutrition Counsellor In Delhi

    Nutrition counsellor

    A nutrition counsellor is a professional who provides guidance and advice on healthy eating habits and lifestyle choices. They work with individuals to develop personalised nutrition plans that meet their specific needs and goals. Nutrition counsellors may also provide education on the benefits of proper nutrition and the risks associated with poor dietary choices. They may work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, schools, and private practices. To become a nutrition counsellor, one typically needs a degree in nutrition or a related field.


    It promotes the loss of weight.

    Have you made an effort to lose weight on your own but failed? Perhaps a nutritionist can assist you! With the advice of a professional, you’ll be able to create a strategy that supports your long-term weight loss goals. To get assistance from a nutritionist, you can go to the clinic that is closest to you.

    It aids in managing chronic illnesses.

    Do you have high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, or insulin resistance? You can take better control of these chronic illnesses by switching to a healthy eating regimen! Changing good eating habits will help you achieve your overall health objectives.

    It creates healthy habits.

    For some people, developing healthy habits may be challenging, but an expert may assist. You can achieve long-term success and enjoy rewards that last if you have the necessary resources and healthy habits

    Types of nutritionists

    Clinician in Nutrition

    In order to provide patients at hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, or other medical facilities with comprehensive health services, clinical nutritionists typically collaborate with health care teams made up of doctors, nurses, and carers. Clinical nutritionists can also work with businesses, organisations, and other private organisations to manage food.

    Nutritionist for public health

    To deliver dietitian education, public health nutritionists collaborate with numerous community organisations or governmental organisations. For instance, these kinds of nutrition occupations provide workshops, classes, and counselling to both individuals and groups of people. For low-income individuals and those in high-risk categories, public health nutritionists are especially helpful. People can learn how to choose and prepare foods that support health and stave off chronic illnesses like diabetes or heart disease with the assistance of a public health nutritionist.

    Administration Nutritionist

    In charge of managing nutritional requirements and meal preparation for sizable facilities and institutions like schools, nursing homes, hospitals, or prisons are management nutritionists. In addition to overseeing employees, creating and managing food budgets, and enforcing laws pertaining to health, safety, and cleanliness, management nutritionists are also in charge of policy compliance and administrative duties.

    Nutritional Adviser

    Nutritional advisors may have a private practice where they offer nutritional advice in a variety of ways, including by authoring articles or books, leading seminars, or offering assistance with weight loss. Additionally, nutritionists might consult with food service managers or in-house nutritionists while working under contract for businesses, retirement communities, or hospitals.

    What medical issues can nutrition counselling help with?

    The following are some of the specialties of our nutrition team:

    • Cancer remission
    • A cardiovascular condition
    • Diabetes
    • Food intolerances and allergies
    • Digestive system issues
    • Pregnancy diabetes
    • Hypertension
    • Eating on instinct
    • Eating just plants
    • Ovarian polycyst syndrome
    • Prediabetes
    • Pregnancy
    • Weight issues

    Who May Benefit From A Nutritionist?

    People who want to be in the best possible health.

    You most certainly don’t need to be sick to start seeing a nutritionist or dietitian. In fact, it’s advised to speak with a counsellor when you’re in good condition to ward off ailments, especially those that are life-threatening like cancer, and reach ideal health. You can get assistance from nutritional counsellors with meal planning, choosing foods that are appropriate for your metabolic profile or medical history, and tracking your progress.

    Suffering from a weight issue. 

    When you are very overweight, it can cause serious health problems as well as aesthetic problems. Obesity is linked to diabetes, certain types of cancer, hormone disorders, and cardiovascular illnesses. Through the introduction of sustainable diets and careful tracking of your progress, nutritional counsellors can assist you in safely shedding excess weight. 

    Those who have a greater chance of contracting a particular ailment.

    Some people, for instance, have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease because their parents had the condition. Through quick and frequent dietary consulting, the possibility of getting the same medical problem can be reduced.

    People with a range of illnesses.

    The bulk of health issues can, in fact, be resolved with adequate eating. Although nutrition alone may not be sufficient to treat a condition, it can aid with symptom relief, slow the progression of the disease, or improve the patient’s reaction to therapy.

    What Is the Process of Nutrition Counselling?

    A patient and their physician communicate in two directions during nutrition counselling. Patients receive instruction from a qualified dietician on how to interpret the findings of their nutritional assessment and incorporate a variety of nutritionally balanced foods into wholesome, affordable, and delectable meals and snacks. They can also learn how diet affects their health status and adapt their behaviour to concentrate on doable lifestyle modifications to achieve nutritional goals. Patients gain by setting and achieving personal objectives that result in an all-around healthier lifestyle.


    The primary objective of a nutrition counsellor is to provide guidance and support to individuals seeking to improve their dietary habits and overall health. Through a comprehensive assessment of a client’s nutritional needs and lifestyle factors, a nutrition counsellor can develop personalised plans that address specific health concerns and goals. This may involve educating clients on proper nutrition, creating meal plans, and monitoring progress over time. Additionally, a nutrition counsellor may collaborate with other healthcare professionals to ensure that clients receive the most effective and holistic care possible. Ultimately, the purpose of a nutrition counsellor is to empower individuals to make informed choices that promote optimal health and well-being.